Our Schools
The Moraga Education Foundation supports the three elementary schools and one middle school of the Moraga School District as well as Campolindo High School. The over 3,100 students enrolled in these schools have access to outstanding academic and enrichment opportunities from transitional kindergarten through graduation because of your donations.
The PTA and Parents’ Club Presidents represent their schools as Directors on the MEF Board of Directors. Additionally, there are MEF volunteers at each school site, including a School Site Coordinator and several Ambassadors, further strengthening the link between the MEF Board and each school community.
Elementary Schools
Camino Pablo Elementary School
Principal: David Lanuza
Camino Pablo PTA Webpage
Liliana Tafur
24-25 MEF Representative at Camino Pablo
Ashley Edmonds
24-25 Camino Pablo PTA President
Donald Rheem Elementary School
Principal: Brian Sullivan
Rheem PTA Webpage
Dorota Jozefiak
24-25 MEF Representative at Rheem
Dawn Novak
24-25 Rheem PTA President
Los Perales Elementary School
Principal: Alice Tumilty
Los Perales PTA Webpage
Anna Curtis
24-25 MEF Representative at Los Perales
Adriana Castillo
24-25 Los Perales PTA President
All three Moraga elementary schools were named as CA Distinguished Schools
Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School
Jenny Lallas
24-25 MEF Representative at Joaquin Moraga
Dawn Novak
24-25 Joaquin Moraga PTA President
JM was named an Honor Roll School
Campolindo High School
Campolindo High School
Principal: Pete Alvarez
Campo Parents’ Club Webpage
Stephanie Becker
24-25 MEF Representative at Campolindo
Lisa Brown
24-25 Campolindo Parents’ Club President
Campolindo was named a California Distinguished School
What’s the difference between MEF and PTA/CPC?
The Moraga Education Foundation (MEF) is the primary fundraising organization for Moraga schools, TK-12th grade. MEF is the entity through which parents financially support their child’s education. The Moraga School District uses MEF grants to support academics, STEAM, student wellness, and enrichment. Campolindo uses MEF grants to support class sections, student wellness, department grants, and teacher professional development.
Each school in the Moraga School District (TK-8th grade) has a Parent Teacher Association (PTA), and Campolindo High School has a Parents’ Club (CPC). These organizations are run by parent volunteers and play a critical role in building community at our schools and creating a connection between students’ home life and school life.
These organizations are different, but both are critical to our strong local public schools!